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Owners, Contact us

Dec 10, 2018 by alexantoine-arts

Centre d’aide et de contact

location de vacances sans commission

About us

We are Vacation Rental Owners

 After years to give commission to online agencies for our Vacation Rental, we have decided to help owners to save money.

How it works

Suscribe for free

 Suscribe, add your Vacation Rental, and we connect you with interested travelers

How much it costs

You can make it cheap

It’s free if are one of the first 1000 owners to suscribe. We just ask you to invite 3 owners to suscribe to our website. That’s it!

location de vacances sans commission

Owners, feel free to contact us!

We will help you to save money 

[contact-form-7 id=”6″]
location de vacances sans commission

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