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Feb 15, 2021 by alexantoine-arts
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Commission-free Vacation Rentals in France

We create a direct link between vacation rental owners and you!

Travelers, No commission! Better price! Same service!

[st_offer_item_new style=”featured” title=”Special Offers” sub_title=”Find Your Perfect Vacation Rentals with no commission” link=”url:%23|title:See%20Deals||” featured_text=”BEST PRICE”]
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Commission-free Vacation Rentals in France

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Commission-free vacation rentals, how is it possible?

Only one annual payement!

It is possible, because we only ask to the owners one annual payement, that covers the expenses of this website and our small company and a good place on the Internet.
Then we don’t need to ask a commission, that could go on other websites from 3% to 17 % in total!
More we will have owners and renters,  more this will be efficient!

Why should you trust us?

No commission, we don't need it!

Wa take that engagement not to take any fee, or any commission on the vacation rentals on our website. We work with a company who allows our website to be viewed on The Internet.

Your vacation rental online, no commission

Online within 48 hours

We believe we can put your rental on line in less than 24 hours, after confirmation. However, if it is not possible, we will do our best to do it as quickly as possible.

Commission-free Vacation rentals in France

[st_offer_item_new style=”featured” title=”Special Offers” sub_title=”Find Your Perfect Hotels Get the bestprices on 20,000+ propertiesthe best prices on” link=”url:%23|title:See%20Deals||” featured_text=”HOLIDAY SALE”]
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Commission-free Vacation Rentals in France

Commission-free Vacation Rentals in France

Bienvenue chez Loclilala

As you, we are Vacation Rental owners 

Loclilala is a dedicated website for Commission-free Vacation Rental and Hôtel rooms. Il sert de vitrine aux propriétaires de maisons de vacances en France. It is a useful online showroom for rental owners in France.

Our goal is to help Vacation rental owners to:

Have great benefits for their hard work, maintaining their vacation rental

Make a direct link with travelers, by giving full access to the owner’s information.

Commission-free Vacation Rentals in France

Contribuez à notre succès!

 Register on is very cheap!

Each owner has the responsability of get information and be sure that he is respecting the regulation in France, for instance:

To declare the vacation rental business, to the city hall where the rental is located, and giving the complete address

To declare, if needed, the travelers, age, date of rental

To pay, all taxes and fees in connection with the Vacation Rental, Gîtes, Hôtel Rooms business in France

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We are a small company, you can rely on us!

Commission-free Vacation Rentals in France

Loclilala est une PME française

We are a small company, located in France

Le site Loclilala-vacances permet de louer sa maison de vacances à un tarif  annuel unique plus que modeste.

The website allows you to rent your house with only a very cheap annual subscription

Without paying any commission or extra-fee

Managing yourself the city taxe

Being free to manage your planning

Being free to manage your price

Only benefits!

Commission-free Vacation Rentals in France

Nous vous faisons confiance

We rely on you to make the best choice!

At loclilala, we believ that there is a room for everybody in the Vacation Rental business: online agencies, big companies, and small companies, as we are, and especially those who allo Commission-free Vacation Rentals in France

We rely on you to make the best choice, simple, responsible, and which is better for owners and for travelers.

This choice – our goal – is to create and maintain a direct link between travelers and owners.

This will make the success of

Help us, you will be rewarded!

Need more information?

Happy to be a Vacation Rental owner? You think about renting your house during vacation period? You may have to tink about the regulation and rules in France. Read this article ”  Vacation Rental regulation in France  “

En savoir plus

Register on is above all supporting travelers and owners by offering the lower price possible, with the same service. And a direct link!

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